Thursday, April 7, 2016

Training Scorecard - 4/6

I think yesterday I reached my limit of things to do in one day. I'm giving myself an Other grade of less than an A because it was too much of a good thing.

I swam in the morning, went to work, ran  a 4-mile loop from work to watch a comedy show, dinner, went back to work to change into regular people clothes and finally finished the day performing in a show. I didn't mind it while it was happening, but I went to bed late and was extra tired and so woke up quite late this morning. Not ideal.

Clean Eating: C

Banana and nuts for breakfast and salad for lunch and pizza for dinner. I can't tell at this point if I've made it more of a thing than it actually is because I'm aware of it. Regardless, I haven't gone out of my way to get pizza, but it seems to be around frequently when I find myself out at a mealtime with few alternatives. Also I love it.

Alcohol: A-

Half a beer after the last show.

Sleep: A-


Training Overall: A

Finally, two workouts in a day!

Run: Yes

4.5 miles.

Swim: Yes!

1,850 yards in 46:44. For you swimmers out there, I know this is slow, but I don't have the bandwidth right now to do much work on the quality of my swimming.

Bike: No

Other: B

Too much comedy? Probably too much of everything at the same time.

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