The bike portion was much better. We had 15 minutes to move from swim to bike, which is an extremely generous transition allotment. I didn't have any bike or cycle computer glitches and managed to spin 16.15 miles in 30 minutes. Race officials gave us notices at 15, 9, and 5 minutes. Since everyone was in the same room and surrounded by mirrors, it was easy to stay motivated. I really wanted to gain ground on the girl who swam 29 lengths, so I made every effort to pedal faster than she appeared to be pedaling. I'm not sure if I accomplished this goal because I didn't hear her distance, but I'll be able to check tomorrow when results come out. We had three more people added to our heat in this stage. I believe they were actually in the heat before us but either couldn't get a spin bike because it was too crowded or had computer malfunctions. I felt bad for the person who had a malfunction because she did two bike sessions and I'm sure her second either didn't cover the same distance or did but required a lot more effort, thereby tiring her out for the run.
The run was good and I was happy with my result, even though I intend to get even faster this season. I averaged an 8:30min/mile for the 20 minutes we were allowed on the treadmill. My final distance was 2.35 miles. My archnemesis did 2.1. Take that, super swimmer. Even so, and even if I did bike farther, I'm sure the ridiculous lead she had from the swim was more than enough for a significantly higher score. But it's okay, there's another one in two weeks!
I forgot to take pictures of the running. Oops.
In related news, I got a wetsuit! I went to the JackRabbit store down the street after the race and was pleasantly surprised that their stock of wetsuits is currently 50% off. This was serendipitous development, since I forgot to take advantage of the Xterra sale I mentioned back in December. It's a Zoot Fuzion. After the 50% off, it came to $150. After lots of looking and pricing, I've determined that I couldn't have gotten it for very much cheaper. Especially considering it's a full wetsuit with sleeves (sleeveless tend to cost less, but also provide less in the way of buoyancy).
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