Thursday, July 23, 2009

Days 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16

Yeah...I've been woefully inattentive to the blog. My bad. Well, probably the most important development since the last post is that I've decided to go back to Hal Higdon's program. Am I wishy-washy? Without a doubt. But it's the right way to go. I'm not ready to do the basic NYRR plan. As it is I barely manage to train 5 days a week. I don't think I could manage 6.

What else? I've gone biking outside once and done the stationary a couple of times. I'm pretty confident that I have a good handle on the biking and running portions of the triathlon. Swimming, on the other hand...Not good. I haven't swum for exercise since 7th grade. And when I did it then I think I might have done .75 laps. Maybe. I really need to get on that since I'll have approximately 3 weeks after I get back from Dallas next weekend.

We won our last basketball game. The next one is tomorrow against a team that is also undefeated. The Barclays softball team made the playoffs! Unfortunately I think the first playoff game will be next week when I'm gone. Ah, well. Maybe there will be multiple and I'll get to play one more time. Anyway, this isn't really a sufficient catchup entry, but I'm tired and more interested in watching the end of Sex and the City. Tomorrow I'm going to try to run after the game, but I make no promises.

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