Monday, July 15, 2019

Cautious Optimism

It's possible my physical therapist sensed my restlessness shortly after my last post. I went to PT on Tuesday a couple weeks ago and I didn't get cleared to run that day exactly, but it pretty much would have been except I forgot to bring shoes.

I say that so you'll understand why I then booked a class at Mile High Run Club the day after. I was PRETTY MUCH CLEARED. Basically cleared. Plus, I had run up and down the hall of the office under Caroline's (the PT) supervision.

I was nervous about the class, but my plan was to walk/run (this is basically what happens anyway because it's intervals) and to stop immediately if anything felt bad or wrong. didn't! The fastest I ran was 5mph (12 minute miles) and that was for one two-minute interval. That Friday, I was officially cleared.

Fast forward to Saturday, when I did my first post-surgery outdoor run. Again, I tried to just run comfortably and pay attention to how my body was feeling. This was the result:

I do not exaggerate when I say that, next to helping pace Elana to a 5:00 marathon in 2017, I am most proud of this running achievement in the last 2-3 years. I still can't go crazy with running, but this is a better start than I imagined was possible, so let's see how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo, congratulations! Keep easing into it. There's no rush.
