Thursday, January 26, 2012


Has it taken me so long to get back to the blog? Actually a number of different reasons of varying viability. Between a spyware attack, partial disinfection, the holidays, my New Year's resolution to go to bed and wake up early, and a breached Gmail account as the result of a spyware reinfection, things have been a little crazy. And yet there's so much to talk about! I have two race reports and a few goal updates. I need to update some of my tabs as well. Not to mention the rage comic that never got completed (I still can't access the Rage Maker due to some computer sorcery).

Bottom line: I'm waaaay behind here. Not on my running, fortunately. That's going swimmingly. I'm behind on the blog. There are still things I need to figure out (such as acquiring an external hard drive so that I can reformat my computer) and how to balance a good sleep schedule with blogging, which I typically save for very late at night.I'm working on it and hope to have some solutions figured out soon. In the meantime, happy running! I'll be updating as I can.

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