Monday, December 7, 2009

Hey hey hey

Good news, everyone who doesn't read this! I completed the NYC marathon. I managed to improve my time by two minutes. But I really think I could do much better. My goal for the next one is 4:30.

I also ran my first ultramarathon! It was a 60k (9 4-mile laps around Central Park). It took fucking FOREVER. But somehow I managed to stand at the Start line at 8am knowing I wouldn't be done until after 4pm and it didn't freak me out. So I did it. Woo hoo!

Now I'm trying to plan my agenda for the coming year. I've decided I'd much rather just run a bunch of marathons throughout the year than pick like two and have lulls between training. I'd like to always be ready to run one. That way I won't be restricted in the places I can go. I'll just be able to run one at the drop of a hat. Unfortunately I haven't been so great about it since the ultra. Haven't run since (two weeks). Yesterday I rode my bike 16-17 miles through the park. I plan on getting up in the morning, so I'm going to have to get to sleep soon. Here's the stuff I hope to do next year:

Big D Texas Marathon - 4/11/2010
Rhode Island Half Ironman - 6/11/2010
ING NYC Marathon - 11/7/2010
NYRR Half Marathon Grand Prix - 2010
9 + 1 for ING NYC Marathon 2011

Well, that's enough for now. I plan on doing more next year and I'll do a better job of updating. But it's late!

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